Blessed Scheme of Waqf-e-Jadid and Tehrik-e-Jadid

In the Holy Qur'an, it states:

Never shall you attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love; and whatever you spend, Allah surely knows it well (3:93)


Waqf-e-Jadid scheme was founded on 27th December 1957 by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra). The primary objective of this project was to look after the spiritual upbringing of the members living in the rural communities as well as to take the message of Tauhid to idol worshippers.

Your Waqd-e-Jadid contributions helps fund:

  • Mualimeen College and Schools
  • Hospitals
  •  Mobile Health and Eye Clinic
  • Computer Institutes 



Tehrik-e-Jadid scheme was founded on 23rd November 1934 by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra). “The purpose of launching Tahrik-e-Jadid is to acquire such a fund with which Allah’s message can be delivered as far as the corners of the earth with ease and facility.” (Friday Sermon, 27 November 1942)

Your Tehrik-e-Jadid contributions helps fund:

  • Opening of Mission Houses
  • Training of Missionaries
  • Construction of Mosques
  • Publication of Islamic Literature


Waqf-e-Jadid and Children

In 1966 Hazrat Khalifa-tul-Masih III (rh) instituted an important department within Waqf-e-Jadid known as ‘Dafter Atfaal’. The purpose of this department is the tarbiyyat of the children of the Ahmadiyya community, by motivating them to make financial sacrifice for the cause of Allah and in this way to create love of Allah in their hearts. These categories include:

Saf-e-Awal: $100 or more

Saf-e-Doom: $50 – $99

Saf-e-Soom: $25 – $49

Awareness about Financial Sacrifices