‘There is no might nor power except through Allah’

Nasirat Tarana

“It is important for the education of girls that they have a loud voice. Their voice should not be soft or hesitant. Their voice should have bravery, determination and power.”
Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra)
Al Fazl January 14, 1927
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (May Allah be his Helper!) gave the following guidelines for the moral training of Nasirat:
- In these countries, it is more important to take care of the Nasirat. The focus should be on Tarbiyat, leave everything else.
- Provide answers to the questions they ask regarding whatever they learn at school.
- Make sure Nasirat are offering regular prayers and reciting the Holy Qur’an daily.
- Nasirat aged 12-15 years should learn the Holy Qur’an with meaning to a certain extent. At least they should learn the translation of those Surahs that have already been memorized listening to Friday Prayers, Sermons and understanding them.
- Assess how many listen to the Friday Sermon and how many understand it. If they don’t understand Urdu then how many listen to the English translation. If not that, then every Sermon has a summary made available in English on Alislam or from Tahrik Jadid in Pakistan. It should be read or readout. The summary from Wakil `Ala [Tahrik Jadid] should be taken from Jama’at and sent to Nasirat.
(Meeting with National Majlis Amila, Lajna Ima’illah Canada on October 26, 2016)

What is Waqf-e-jadid and tehrik-e-jadid?
Find out more about the two blessed schemes, the differences and the purpose behind it.